Introducing IMPRESS. The new games marketing, community and publishing platform on the block! 👋

Introducing IMPRESS

The new games marketing, community and publishing platform on the block! 👋

"Empowering indie games!

Democratising games publishing!"


Coverage Bot

Coverage Bot

Press & Media Monitoring for Video Games

Our premium tool to track your video game's PR & Marketing performance across the web, YouTube and Twitch. Get coverage alert notifications in Discord/Slack. Never miss a real-time Twitch stream event, ever again.

Plus, build coverage reports, track website backlinks and track competitors*!
(*Coming 2024)

Learn more about Coverage Bot Blog Post: Introducing IMPRESS & Coverage Bot!

Press Kitty

Press Kitty

All-in-one Video Games Press Kits

A completely free service for indie game developers to quickly and easily create press kits for their studios and their games.

Learn more about Press Kitty Blog Post: Introducing Press Kitty!


We're on a mission to streamline indie game marketing and promotion. We'll be publishing our product development roadmap in due course.

Our Principles

100% Indie

Independent games form the backbone of our creative industry.

We're completely independent too — free from investors, platform-holders, agency affiliations and publishers.

A neutral party — the Switzerland of games discovery tech, if you will!

Take Back Control

Your audience, coverage & community data is yours — not ours.

Other platforms limit, obfuscate and monetise access to your data. We don't.

We give you the tools to nurture your relationships and create your own success.

Go Green

The health of our planet comes before everything else. We're certain you agree.

That's why we pledge 5% of total revenue to scale essential carbon removal technology projects.

And why we subscribe to support tree planting projects with Ecologi.

We work for you — the creative, thriving and passionate games industry.

The solo indies, small studios, indie publishers, and essential agencies. We're all about you!

We work with you — and help you grow.
Your success is our success.

We believe in sustainable, organic growth – and have taken no external funding. 100% indie!

We help you impress — and achieve publishing success!

It's our mission to give you the tools, data, and workflows for a successful game launch — and beyond!

Existing tools & workflows aren't made for the games industry.

We're changing that.

Video game promotion is hard.

It shouldn't be.

We are disrupting the status quo. We are democratising games publishing.

Make Your Game A Success!

With access to:
Coverage Bot
Press Kitty (free)
Academy (free)
Launchpad (free early access)
Steam Revenue Calculator (free)
...and more tools coming soon!

Get started with our innovative video game marketing toolkit, today!