View Full Changelog Mini Marketing Summit @ Develop 2023

26th July 2023

Mini Marketing Summit @ Develop 2023

In July, during Develop conference, we invited the brightest, most experienced minds in indie games marketing all into one room, and asked: how do indie games get discovered?

— Chris Zukowski (HowToMarketAGame.com) — Suzanne Wallace (IndieBard.co) — Thomas Reisenegger (Future Friends) — Ruby Adams (Disobey) — Lou Jones (YRS TRULY) — Lauren Moses (Neonhive) — Joshua Brown (FuturLab)

With over 100 attendees seeking answers from our expert speakers and panelists, it was a ruckus. An absolute blast!

If you weren't there, luckily we took some video, here's what you missed! 🔗

- Ashley