View Full Changelog Press Kitty – Instant ZIP Downloads

1st February 2023

Press Kitty – Instant ZIP Downloads

Today marks the first feature update to Press Kitty! Wahoo! (Meow?)

All of your published press kits now have Instant ZIP Downloads for Screenshots, Logos, and for all combined Image Assets!

When you upload new assets, they will be automatically included in the zip downloads after a minute or so. These zip files help press & creators bulk download your press kit materials quickly, rather than having to wait for files to generate on-the-fly. Looking at you, Google Drive! 👀

Just an extra note: if your assets were imported from Steam, they are presently very low-resolution (600x380 or so). This import will be fixed in a future update, but for now, I advise that you remove all screenshots and manually replace them with higher-resolution versions. Very sorry about that!

- Ashley